Importance of Water for Sustaining Life

Water and Its Importance I - Concepts
Class - 6th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Importance of Water for Sustaining Life

Importance of Water For Sustaining Life:  Water is essential for life. The bodies of all pants and animals have large amounts of water. Several life processes in humans and animals, such as digestion of food, absorption of nutrients by the body, distribution of nutrients to various parts of the body, or getting rid of body wastes, need the presence of water.

We take in water through food and drink, and lose it in the form of urine, sweat and exhaled air. Water that evaporates from the surface of our body in the form of sweat takes away a lot of heat and thus cools the body.

In plants, water is essential for germination of seeds and their growth as well It also helps to transport nutrients from the soil, and food from the leaves to different parts of the plants. Plants use water, along with carbon dioxide from the air, to make food in the presence of sunlight.

Water is useful to us in many other ways:

Use Of Water : About 70% of the total water available is used for agriculture, 20-22% by industries and only 8% is used for personal or domestic needs.

Agricultural Needs :  Farmer rely on water to sustain their agricultural crops example-wheat paddy etc. many a times rain fall is not sufficient to water these crops and farmer have to use artificial watering systems referred to as irrigation. 

Industrial Needs : Factories use a large amount of water every day –as raw material for cleaning, heating, cooling, generating etc. 

Personal Needs : Water that is suitable for drinking is called potable water. We also need water to bath, wash clothes and dishes clean our house, and to water plants.

Medium of transport :  Water is also used as a medium of transport. Water is also the home for several plants and animals. Ships help us to move from one place to other through water bodies.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Colour of pure water is ____________

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Statement (i) : Level of ground water below the surface of Earth at a given place is known as water table.

Statement (ii) : Excess use of groundwater in cities is resulting in lowering of water table.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

A man digging the ground near a waterbody found that the soil was moist. As he kept digging deeper and deeper he reached a level, where all the spaces between particles of soil and gaps between rocks were filled with water. The upper limit of this layer is called _______________________-

Right Option : B
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